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All over the FO world no crops growing/not able to asign settlers to it


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Hy, i got a very courious problem.


I googled a lot for it, found some totaly equal problems, but no solution, hopefully i get help here.


When i plant a crop, i can't asign a settler to it, They will go for it, stay there for few moments and walk away.

Although, crops are completely bugged all over the FO world, no matter which farm, when i plant for example a tato and put it back into the workbench, there will remain a invisible/ghost tato.

While in settlement mode, i still can point to it and read "Tato Plant" as normal, but it's invisible. It can't be stashed into the workbench and i can't target it for the console.

In addition, no crops, everywhere in my game, do grow back or grow in general. Even on settlements i've neber been to, when i try to reasign a settler to a new plant, he will not be able to work on it and lose his old asignments.

Any way/patch to solve this issue?

Thanks in advanced.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of questions:


First off, this is sadly a rather annoying " bug ". Also sometimes, the base game can literally take " forever " to get a stand or crop assigned after you get 5 +/- people in the game that need to be assigned. :mad:


I wished Beth would have used that time, to actually do more seek & find Quests than waste our time with the Fallout meets Sim City. I have yet to understand if it was because they were:

... Out of ideas.

... To lazy.

... Or ran out of money to do a better quality game.

... Or all the above.


But as I say, " it is what it is ... "


So if you see it ' assigned ' in Workshop mode, just accept it. Also as stated above, it make take some time for the game to ' accept the assignment ' .... just move on and you will get a prompt 5 to 10 minutes later: This was assigned.




Do you have any " Settlement Mods " - or - " Settlement Management Mods ". I have one and found I was having issues, because I had a Senior Moment and forgot about it. Once I activated, things got a little less frustrating.

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Do you have any " Settlement Mods " - or - " Settlement Management Mods ". I have one and found I was having issues, because I had a Senior Moment and forgot about it. Once I activated, things got a little less frustrating.



Thanks for your reply.


No, not rly, i only use "Settlement Homemaker" (more items to build) and a mod that removes the cap on water/crops/everything, generated by the settlement.


They are not assignable, they will go for what i wanted them to care for, stay there a few seconds, and went away like no assignment was made. No matter how long i will be away, hours, days, weeks.


I found a thread, where someone explained, that it's a bug inside of the core algorythm and can't be altered by mods. It's something that rarely happens, but when it happens, the game is just wasted.


So i started a new one with the command "player.setlvl" and a bat to give me my farmed ressources back, to not lose all the hours of gameplay AGAIN....


I'd wish they had taken more efford into finetuning too. Hopefully, this will never happen again.


This thread can be closed, if there really is no solution for.

Edited by Mortadella
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