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Interesting NPCs Mod


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Well, I literally just sent Olivia's dialogue on its way to kris, so it'll be in the mod soon enough. It's almost 3am here, and I am well beyond pooped. And so is my aunt! But, we finished recording the dialogue, all is well, and I am so gonna sleep like a stone now.


Hope you had a good sleep. :P


Kris is having trouble uploading the latest version, it seems. Nexus is being an annoyance. any tips?


Did you hear back on the whole Olivia thing yet?


Well, Kris said that my aunt sounds too young and too kind for the sort of voice he had in mind for Olivia, so he's going to sit on it for a while and if nobody else does Olivia, he'll reconsider using my aunt's voice. My aunt decided she wants to do Fironet's voice in that case, since she's a good singer and she likes the character. I'm just not sure when we'll be able to do Fironet's recordings, during the week we're always so busy; it'll probably only happen next weekend.


Also, I still haven't gone and found Relic yet. I've been cavorting around in the game, neglecting the main quest, so I don't have access to Blackreach yet! :tongue:

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the dialogue of the sage elder in some ruin has added recently the last time i checked he have only the iniatial dialogue, talking about dragonborn and so on but no dialogue options


Hmmm, I'll pass that along.


In any case, a few new VA's have been found so in due time we'll see some great additions to the voiced collection. :)

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:O The voice of the guy who dubbed the first character in the demo... wow, just wow. That being said, they are all great, but that one was shiver-inspiring in a positive way :D Maybe it was microphone's doing, I wouldn't know, but there's that lingering whisper left after words there, I love that haha.


Great job there ^^

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