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crashing when entering modded cells


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Repost from other forum. I tried removing the nav meshes data in tesnip not sure how to remove them in CK.


Well I have no idea what to do my game was working fine it updated to 15.0 and now my mod causes CTD when loading in cells I have been in before on my mod. I turned my mod off it works fine what happened I have no idea.


Tried using a old backup of the mod still getting CTD old backup worked fine in 14.7 but now is broken in 15.0.

Tried removing nav meshes with tesnip still CTD when rentering cell.

Tried redoing nav meshes still CTD when rentering cell.

Tried removing some cells still CTD when rentering cell.

Tried renaming and making plugin into a esm did small test and it did not CTD, but all the stuff I deleted in skyrim world space and landscape I edited are there again and screws everything up.


Dont know how to proceed now on hold until I can get a answer. Please help.



here is my mod





So since i was able to fix the issue when I rename / converted the esp to a esm. I tried using tesnip, I remove the tamiel worldspce from esm and left only it in the esp and made the esp master the esm. And CTD again so problem seems to me to lay in the esp tamiel world space but I need the world space to overwrite the skyrim one due to my changes to the landscape and removing of trees. Tried the esm and still fixes it if i just use it as a esm but all the trees are in everything and landscape is reset to normal screwing everything up.

Edited by draco1122
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