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Exclusive Nexusmods


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If mod creators want their mods exclusively for nexusmods. could we implement 3 steps?

1. If checked off on upload , can Nexusmods watermark the images.
2. the exclusive nexusmod creator community make a master mod named "EXCLUSIVE NEXUSMOD.esm or master"
3. this way if outside side scrape a designated mod for nexus, they would look pretty stupid displaying free advertisement back to nexusmod via images or via bandwidth theft.
also it might be a nice touch that Nexusmods would have their own MOD which is a dependent to run or properly work created mods that were to stay on nexusmods only in the first place??

So what about a Nexusmod exclusive mods?

Even be funny if some modders added subtle for nexusmods only in game via objects or sybmbols.

That we be hard for some persons to edit every mod out their to strip the nexusmods esm from each and every new exclusive mod created or added that are submitted as exclusive for nexusmods site only?

Sorry was just a thought

Edited by mangarian
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Masters can be simply removed via f4edit, if the mod not use things for what the Nexus.esm is important* for.


I for my part have put a "book" into my follower mod, with a link to my nexus profile :smile:. But yeah... The idea of a texture would be also nice. Surely a text, or image could be changed, or deleted by another person, buuuut... Imagine yourself now the 0815 mod-theft he will probably not know it first and if he did... He will have to remove it for probably hundrets of mods after some time. That could eventually get annoying after some time... hopefully.


*That can be everything, like a texture as example for a billboard, or a hidden script and so on.

Edited by taryl80
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yeah but if you have 50 mods choices to choose from that all point back or look for a master "Exclusivenexusmods.esm" to run such as scripts, textures, and some dialog stuff etc etc etc...., it makes it harder to keep up with that having to modify every mod that points back to it.

If an "Exclusivenexusmods.esm" or master was community made, then think of the number of more mod makers linking to it in game....

also if a "Exclusivenexusmods.esm" have legal wording like this file can not be modify or altered yadda yadda yadda ....
That if some putz outside the nexusmod does do a tesVedit to make modifications would be setting them selves up for a legal thing.
and even if they did make like 30 of the 50 mods to work ....
..... just think if 10 mod new mods come out dependent on the "Exclusivenexusmods.esm" that jerk would have to redo their knock off outside of Nexusmods.

All I am saying make it hard for them to do stuff like that.

Would be stupid if someone else uploads a mod to such site, then throws an (Error "MISSING DEPENDENT "Exclusivenexusmods.esm")

Once a person google that will soon learn it was a illegally posted mod copy if they did not get it from nexusmods.


True it does not make them stop, but it makes them have to work real hard to thwart the system and makes them look foolish and more work then what it is worth.

even if outside users keep the "Exclusivenexusmods.esm" in their build, it still is in there face that nexusmods is truly the place to be.

Edited by mangarian
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Mastering a file to another is something that you only really do when you have no choice, technically speaking. To do it in an attempt to attach some legalese to a mod that you can just as well add to the mod itself, and see it both respected or not in the same way it would be respected for the mod, sounds like a bad idea, tbh.

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