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Unable to Load the CK (before choosing what mods to load)


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I'm unable to load my CK... what's going on ? There was no problem yesterday !... all i did was to remove Script Dragon with the unistaller...

CK wont load correctly (just before you are allow to tik the mods you want to load and edit)

Any help would be greatly appreciated !



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not a clue man. Best thing to do is just reinstall it. Shouldnt take too long either. If you want to try something that could possibly work before an installation is

go to your skyrim folder. There are 2 files in there called SkyrimEditor.ini and SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini


Delete the EditorPrefs.ini and then try to launch the program. This will reset the program to it's default settings. As far as the SkyrimEditor.ini, you can maybe open it up and tweak it, but honestly, if deleting the SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini doesnt work for you, you should just uninstall CK and resinstall.

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