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lol my satchel is floating and i dont know why


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'lol' because i feel braindead at this point, like it'll be something obvious that i overlooked. i cannot for the life of me find a way to fix this: https://imgur.com/a/aiAjE


the little bag is this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9085/ and the big bag is my personal version of this mod, but with some nifty anti gravity features so i don't have a roll away bag /s.


i mean, you can activate the storage from within the inventory, so it's not that huge of an issue.... until my hunter makes camp and instead of having supplies bags set around the camp, they're hovering... it mostly bugs me because not only can you drop the bag of holding, you can pick it up and fling it about. my backpack cant do annyyy of that. is it the mesh?

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It appears that mesh doesn't have Havok physics enabled.


I had to set up the Havok for various containers in my Portable Containers mod. You can grab the modified meshes I used from my Dropbox WIP folder:

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/usf77ua06h1qh8k/AAA64msQbDbTfe3URb0mmC9Qa?dl=0 and the PC_knapsack_TKN.nif should be the big knapsack bag.

then it was the mesh!! and thank you, so much, for sharing your resources with me. i honestly don't have a clue how to edit the nif file to make the havok stuff work (spent a couplefew hours on it, broke a ton of things, failed to initialize gravity stabilization modules).


also, alskdfjwejf i have been looking for your better container controls mod for the last two weeks!!! so thank you AGAIN for replying to this!! merry holidays if you celebrate anything this time of year, if not, have a wonderful day!

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