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Mannequins not visible


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question.... The area you are putting Mannequins in... does it have a navmesh under it? if not, this could be why. In a recent skyrim patch, mannequins adapted to a navmesh in order to prevent them from dissappearing in previous patches.


If they do have a navmesh, i have no idea what the issue is.

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You're missing one of the main components for the mannequin. It sounds to me like you're missing the activator. You should Google for a tutorial on this or browse the game files for a working one in a player house. Player house in Solitude has a couple. You could look at how they did theirs, or select them as a whole and copy and paste them to your new location. Hope this helps.
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There is a good mannequin tutorial on the Creation Kit site.


Go to tutorials/ then head all the way down on the right side menu under Miscellaneous and click Community Tutorials and you will find a link to Creating a mannequin.


DeadlyCobraXXX is right in that you haven't applied an activator.


In regard to the invisible mannequins I found that until I have linked the mannequin to an activator and trigger it will not appear.

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I couldn't get anywhere with your link.


You have the three correct elements, you just need to link them correctly. When linking use the "select reference in render window" option as it ensures you have the correct reference (as long as you clicked the correct reference).


Watch a video on YouTube showing how to do it. Watching how the three elements are linked will make the process easier to repeat. I see that there are now video tutorial regarding creating mannequins on the Creationkit site now.

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