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Why is the Thieves Guild such a bunch of thugs in this game


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The reason they are essential is that a HUGE quest with one of the greatest rewards in the game is dependent on some thives guild members. Maven is also essential because... I will not post spoilers, just play the damn game. And you CAN do independent thivery (selling stolen goods to normal shops), you need the Investor and Fence perks in Speech, plus 500 septims investment-works for any shopkeeper-.Last one works if you acualy play a thiev-merchant oriented character (not the almighty warrior/assassin/mage).


I know there's a huge quest. I know these characters are important for these quests. I don't have to play those quests with every character.


Personally, I don't care that they're important for some quests. I can destroy the Dark Brotherhood. It should be possible to destroy the thieves guild too. I know why Maven is made essential. It just feels like such a waste because there's no way to help Mjoll clean up Riften.

Edited by spork542
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  • 11 months later...

This post is super old, but I'm gonna reply to it anyway. Kudos to those of you who liked the changes from Oblivion to Skyrim, I'm glad it worked out for you. But I was taken aback when my first mission was to frame an innocent merchant for a crime he didn't commit. Then the guild had you going around collecting "protection" money from shop owners as if you were some common mobster. WTF? I get that as a thief, you commit crimes, but crimes of larceny, not plain ol' thuggery. This is the Thieves Guild, not the Bandits Guild. To make matters worse, most of your directives come from Mabel Blackbriar, who's just a flat out C**t. When did the Theives Guild become a full on criminal organization? I've always considered it to be more of an association of skilled specialists that work together to achieve common ends, share information, and provide support for one another. Sure there may be someone who takes on the role of the leader of that association, but he/she only requests that you carry out a directive, not commands it. Lastly, I don't necessarily believe that you should rob from the rich and give to the poor. But I do believe in the Gentleman Theif. A theif who steals only from those who can afford the loss of a few trinkets and septims; does not kill in order to attain his/her treasures; operates by use of stealth, charm (a.k.a. speech craft), acrobatics, and clever ingenuity - not loud, brutish, thuggery. If I wanted that, I'd play Mafia or GTA (which are awesome games btw).

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I'll join your necro...


More quests = more exp/gold/swag.


From an RPG point of view, agree completely that more options should have been open for what to do with the guild, e.g. join/ignore/destroy/ally/whatever


I personally like Maven's character, great voice acting. Who shouted 'MILF' at the back there? :)

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The only bit of thuggery I don't like is how the game holds your inventory hostage to those stupid Gems of Barenziah until you shake down the very merchants to whom you sell your hard-earned loot.


Shaking down my buyers isn't in my DNA, but having clutter in my inventory is just as irritating. To me those shiny floating gems are about as attractive as open bear traps.

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I think one of the very best quest design decisions in Skyrim was this - the Thieves Guild is the thieves guild - it's an organised criminal organisation and by definition they appropriate items of value from rightful owners for coin. They did the same in Oblivion and Morrowind but it was obscured in a haze of chaotic-goodness that served to falsely glorify and make heroic something that is inherently malicious and evil.


You are absolutely right - the only difference between bandits and thieves is that the former operate in the wildnerness and don't mind killing you - and the latter operate in cities and employ stealth and diversion to steal surreptitiously. That is the difference between robbery and theft.


I should feel horrible for framing Madesi for failing to pay dues, my character is criminal scum, committing crimes against Skyrim and her people and the real heroes in my game are ordinary people like Mjoll who despite not having the superior powers of the dovahkiin still choose to stand up for what is right.


The same goes for the dark brotherhood - I am a contract killer who murders for hire - the very initiation rite is a test of whether I can kill on command without thought to whether my victims deserve death.


Why complain that joining a criminal organisation makes me feel like a criminal? Which part of stealing and contract killing was unclear before I signed up?

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  • 1 year later...

Why complain that joining a criminal organisation makes me feel like a criminal? Which part of stealing and contract killing was unclear before I signed up?

i disagree. the part that is not clear is that from previous games we expected so much finesse that is just not present in skyrim's version of the guild. there's no need to be absolutist about it (wrong is wrong is wrong). of course it's wrong, but being a thug is just plain out of character for the thieves guild.


btw, however old the necro is, i'm still waiting for a mod that detaches the thieves guild from the black-briar family and make the jobs less bandit-like.


edit: if this "finesse" thing still don't ring any bells, please watch ocean's eleven (and ocean's twelve too) if you haven't yet

Edited by VileTouch
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