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senet666 - Formal warning issued

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senet666 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Trolling, harassing, disparging comments towards a mod author and publicly accusing a mod author of mod theft.
We do not accept accusing other users publicly. If you believe someone has violated the Terms and Policies, please, report to the staff by using the report feature and providing substantial evidence.

User's comments:

23 December 2017:
08:44 PM:
„ah! clickbait, found the suit its just like the hats, basically god mode, thanks for creating and sharing anyway“
08:48 PM (hidden by mod author):
„so this is basically clickbait for a video? and pro Trump godmode?“
08:49 PM:
„wow great godmode mod/clickbait, what would the modding community be without clickbait?“
08:54 PM:
„I'd be interested in using this mod were you to add options like less god mode and clickbait, like a crafting option, where I could pick like AP boost or carry weight boost at a number of my choosing, I'd even consider endorsing something like that despite Trumps name being attached, and the butt hurt attitude I guess instead I'll just have to go with: …“

24 December 2017:
12:26 AM:
„everything in this mod is from a mod that was previously taken off the nexus“
12:27 AM:
„this mod is ripped from an older mod that was kicked off the nexus, and is only here now to bait you into watching this "authors" youtube video, you dont call that clickbait? Silly me for suggesting such, oh sir I do so properly apologize, how presumptuous of me. any other ripped derivative mods that ask you to view a youtube video, you want to direct me to? at least this time it's not suggesting to murder a real person like it was when it was booted last time“
12:30 AM:
„agreed! wish this mod was at least original or added something, looks to me like it was all ripped from a mod that was booted off the nexus a year or so ago, and is only back now to bait people into watching the "authors" youtube video, which is against google adsense rules so? hope that works out. only difference I see is no mission that suggests you should kill Trumps opponent this time, and no Trump companion.“
12:39 AM (hidden by mod author):
„yeah but that would require more than ripping someone elses work, for clickbait purposes, that would require "modding", in keeping with true Trump spirit you can't expect the author to actually create anything new, Trump related, while theres already the original Trump mod still floating around the internet after it was booted from the nexus in less than a week last time“
05:57 AM:
„"spazzing out"? I gotta admit I resent youre constant accusations and vilifying tone, but you're not important enough or clever enough to get me to to post links to banned content. all I've done here was thank a modder and then find out it's not an original mod, it's just ripped content from a older mod I remember and saw booted off the nexus, theres no reason for name calling here, and over a ripped off mod? that is only here by the "authors" own admission to get you to watch his video? you dont see how thats click bait? ok then go on with your bad selves lol u wont get any more views from me or anyone I talk to, youre online drama will not make anyone money thru adsense!“
09:23 PM:
„lol yes I saw that you sited your source for the hat, but not for the suit? I know where you took it from, and how you took it! and yes it – vid link -
was booted off the nexus! I'm also going to point out You can't uninstall this mod simply thru NMM, it remains in your system, you have to uninstall it as normal, and also go manually delete the .ba2, and .esp it leaves behind in your data folder. just thought I'd mention that in case anyone has problems uninstalling it like I did. report away!“
09:27 PM:
„you could rip the sounds from the same mod you ripped Trumps suit from, and add them to a new ripped Trump flag mod, (I'd call it "Butthurt supreme"), that one had plenty Trump sound clips that would work great for that, and you could still whine about and vilify everyone who knows where you rip your content from.“

Terms and Policies (excerpt):

„ …Through your use of Nexus Mods you agree that you will not post any content which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, related to piracy, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of UK law. Know that in severe cases legal action can be taken against you. …

No trolling
Trolling is deliberately attempting to goad people into a "flame war" by posting disparaging remarks or comments that you know will incite a negative or nasty response. …

Do not be a vigilante
Being a vigilante means performing a moderator's job or impersonating a moderator by telling someone they have done something wrong or against the rules. There is a "Report" button underneath each and every post on these forums -- if you believe someone has broken the rules please use this feature and a moderator will be there to sort it out pretty quickly. It is not your job to tell others what they can and cannot do on these forums. …

On mod pages a Report button is located below the mini-gallery of three mod images, while in the Image Library on the single image pages the grey Report button is visible below the number of endorsements, and slightly to right. Pressing this button will call up the Report form where you need to select a category, and enter an explanation as to why you are reporting the content in question. …

While in general reports from users are welcome, there are a few simple rules to follow when you use the Report form.
Be as specific as you can. If you submit vague reports (e.g. I believe this armor is ripped content, Stolen file) then you are wasting the staffs time, and your report will be ignored. It is best that you back up your report with evidence (links, etc.). …“

This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, senet666 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future

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