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Vampires and orcs spawn in player home after rest


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I think this is mod related, but I have no idea which mod could be the culprit, and a google search yielded no results.


Resumed playing my savegame after a few month hiatus, and whenever I sleep in Honeyside upon waking up roughly half a dozen vampires and NPCs spawn in the house and start fighting. Also the first time returning home there was a dremora curl sitting at my kitchen table.


All the NPCs are from the Largashbur Orc Stronghold (the one that is cursed by Malacath). I do have that quest still active so that could perhaps play a role, though the presence of vampires would still be a mystery. I'm not at the necessary level to trigger vampire attacks, so haven't been approached by the Dawnguard.


Before taking the break from playing I just got locked up in Whiterun, for stumbling into Dragonsreach drunk and assaulting the Yarl.


My game is heavily modded but nothing that touches vamps or that orc stronghold and quest beyond appearance mods.


Does any of this sound familiar? I'm hoping that if I complete the quest before sleeping that would resolve the issue, otherwise that home is borked.

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Okay so it is not just happening at Honeyside, and it is not just vamps and orcs.


I left the DB Sanctuary shortly before dawn and the same group of orcs were battling at least one vampire, but this time they were joined by a Thalmor named Elenwen who proceeded to kill every npc who can die.


I've completed the quest with that orc stronghold, so I'm at a loss as to what is causing it.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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