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Please Help!


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What do I have to do to make a two handed spell work like the master level destruction spells, where you charge them up while standing still? I cannot seem to figure it out. Is there a quest script or something that checks for a keyword and then forces your character to do the animation?


Also, I have a magic effect that lasts for 40 seconds and does nothing but play some ISMODs for visual effect. The problem is, when I recast the spell before the previous effecct finishes, it wont get rid of the previous effect! So the two effects are running at once, but since the first one runs out sooner, it runs the part of the script that removes the ISMOD and thus cancels it prematurely (while the second effect is active).



Please help!

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Try adding states to your script to either a) prevent it from playing again before it is finished or b) going to the ending portion of the script on recast and going back to the start.


Maybe something like this to prevent recasting


Auto State AtRest
 Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
   ;;your script here

State Busy
 Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
   debug.trace("already running")  
   ;;basically does nothing


You can also use your portion of the script that cancels the effect in the busy state so that on recast the spell effect is canceled. Play around with it and read up on states on the wiki.

Edited by ACSputnik
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