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So, when I was looking through the weapon mods, I noticed that there wasn't that much for archers. I was wondering if it would be difficult for someone to make bows that fired the destruction spells (Thunderbolt, Icy Spear, Incinerate) by making the bow delete the arrow once it was fired (would consume any arrow) and then trigger one of the above spells from a location in front of the bow. If that was possible, I thought it might be cool to do one that had the effect of unrelenting force on impact but did no damage (maybe by deleting the fired arrow and firing a new arrow with the effect). I would do this myself, except that I lack any programming ability. Thanks!
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Arcane archers are sadly failing in Skyrim because bows are two-handed. I would love to see more synergy between magic and archery and your idea is not a bad way of doing it. Should require a perk imo. Level 40 archery could allow novice destruction to be added to arrows. Maybe similar to poison. Let the perk have levels to increase the level of spell possible to add. Edited by Lokiron
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