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A few mods not working...


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Hi all... Got a few mods that seem to fail, not sure what's up - I ran BOSS, and fiddled with the load order until the warnings on BOSS were not coming up anymore, aside from some compatibility warnings on PerkUp! but not using any confliting mods that I know of... Also ran a mod check from wyre bash's mod checker and got this:



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Ones that don't seem to be working so far...

44 enchant4effects.esp [CRC: CDE973C8]

78 followers alpha9.esp [CRC: 88E178EB]

and a mod I had that was callled Hot Blonde Lydia with Apachii hair also failed to work so I removed it.


And last, all my armor in the game now somehow has an armor rating of zero... so now even without the followers mod working, I can't get Lydia to wear any armor but her default... I also just noticed all arrows in the game are 0 damage... not sure what would cause that. :(.


Any suggestions or info would be very much appreciated.




Drake Steele.

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