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Desperately Need Help Scripting!


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Wow, I did not know you kept the name 'MyActivatorScript'. Since scripts are not embedded in your mod file now, you have to be careful of some other mod having the same script names as yours. Otherwise, one mod's scripts will overwrite the other's, and one of the mods will no longer work correctly. I suggest prefixing all your scripts with your username.



Thanks for the tips guys.


I am a complete noob, gotta keep that in mind.


I uploaded a new one with the scripts included. None of the forms use a script called myactivatorscript, i am not sure what you are talking about fg109. scrivener07, its odd that it told you that you were missing those two scripts. The second one is not a name of a script I used, and there are 3 scripts that should be up there. (yea, 4 scripts in all for 1 spell, just realized that, probably means I used the least efficient scripting humanly possible to make this).


Who knows though maybe someone will download it and say "these scripts suck, why don't you do this" and then I'll learn something.

Edited by elseagoat
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