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Making sure my mod doesnt have requirements ( vanilla compatibility )


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I am designing a new outdoor area, and I have only selected Fallout4 and my mod as the master in the data tab.

That should ensure that you only need the basic fallout to play this mod, right?


although, I am seeing things like my tree's in the Creation Kit looking like the ones from my modded game, which has fallout seasons.


are these just textures being carried over? or could i un-intentionally be placing models / files from the mods i have in game.


do i have to uninstall all my mods, to ensure i am only using vanilla assets in the creation kit?



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like joerqc said you should be fine. The reason you see those trees as modded is because the creation kit gets its textures in the same way as the game, modded textures override the vanilla ones. You will have to make sure that when you create the archive using the creation kit that it doesn't add those textures as well. If you have placed any items that you have alternate textures installed for the creation kit might select the modded textures. This will not make that mod a requirement but you could be unintentionally redistributing someone else's work.

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when you create the archive with the creation kit you'll get a list of all textures, meshes, scripts... that will be included if you see anything there that you didn't create yourself then you can remove it from the list. If your mod doesn't add any new texures you can just delete the texures archive after the CK creates it. If didn't add any new scripts, models or sound files you can also delete the main archive and just upload the .esp on its own.

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I was going to mention what LoneRaptor suggested as one of two options, but didn't type fast enough. :smile:


Another option is:


1. BEFORE launching the CK to create the archive for your mod, rename the Data/Textures folder that has the loose texture files you don't want to include. You can add "AA_"
to the front of the folder name, or anything you want. The renaming is only temporary so it really doesn't matter.


2. Launch the CK, open your mod. Because the Texture folder has been renamed, the CK won't load and use those loose textures.


3. Create your archive, quit the CK.


4. Go back and rename the texture folder to the proper name so the game will load the modded textures when you want to play the game.


Personally, I prefer this method. Because the textures don't get loaded, you don't run the risk of missing something when you remove files from the file list. It's not likely to happen if you only have a few textures to worry about, but if the CK loads lots of loose textures, you can run the risk of not removing something that shouldn't be part of the mod.

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