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What would happen if I deleted an entire NPC/Race section of a mod?


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Using TES4Edit.

If a mod messes with the vanilla Races and NPC's, and I want none of that, and I go in and manually delete every edited NPC and RACE entry of that mod through TES4EDIT... What would happen?

Would the ESP insert Blanks instead? Would the game use the Vanilla or some other mods NPC and Race records? What would happen?




But for what purpose? I hear you ask!

Some mods have some things I like... And some things I don't. I'm just fine tuning em' is all.

Edited by SiniVII
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it depends of what resources you deleted

I think we need to understand how the mod works before remove some things from it

for example, I use mod xeosp++ but I didn't want any changes besides race & NPC. tool TES4 Edit is enough to remove some things that I don't like

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