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my custom armor won't equip


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i followed this lengthy tutorial on making skyrim armor: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1

but in the end i had made the armor add on, the armor itself in creation kit, i ported it into the jorvastr cell in whiterun, but it just floats there like a non colliding static object. i tried to import it into my inventory with player.additem 04000d63 1 but it said something about incompatibility. i can upload files or screenshots, but plz help me!


i made the model using blender and gimp for textures. i have been using blender and gimp for years and know everything about them, so that part was a breeze mostly, and nifskope seems to be fine. i think theres a setting in creation kit that im doing wrong though, so plzz help me (like do i need different files with different file settings for the same piece of armor?)


any help or suggestion would be very much appreciated, thanks!

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yeah i did, another thing i noticed, the tutorial said to drag the armor into a cell to test it. of course it didn't work but i saw the armor mesh, just floating there and i can walk through it (like i said above) but i tried it with the default unedited iron helmet and the iron helmet was absent from sight


thanks for ur help tho man

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Think I might be having similar issues. I just posted about having armor that just 'floats' along, bound with my character but either not rigged or not accepting the anim data from the avatar. I've done a lot of new body parts successfully - adding new head, hair, hands, body and feet models, as well as half a dozen weapons.


But for some reason the helmets I've started aren't working -- they just float in place where they should - but don't animate.


Think we're having the same issue? If so i'd be willing to try similar fixes too and see if I can't solve both our problems.

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