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Indirect way/spells for conjurer to contribute to a fight in addition to Summons and Undead


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I am here to ask for someone to either make a mod like this, or point me to a mod that has this feature please :D *for the special edition btw*


What I think would be a good addition to a playstyle that is heavily focused on summons/undead, is a way to spend magicka to power them up. In my current playthrough I ended up as a sort of summoner/necromancer, but during the fights, I usually ressurect or summon a creature and after that, unless I actively use some direct damaging spells or things of the sort, I end up with not much use for the magicka I have until i have to summon it again, making it not as interesting if I wanted to have my minions to do the damage for me in the first place.


That made me think of two ways this could be made more interesting:


1 - A concentration spell that simply buffs the offense and defense of your minions. As long as you have the magicka to keep it up, your minions will do more damage and take less damage. Maybe even have 2 levels of this, a less magicka intensive version that you have to aim it at your minion for it to work, and a more magicka intensive one that works around you.


2 - Some spells that summon suiciding monsters to attack the enemies, like banelings from Starcraft. I know there are mods that make the conjurer throw a bound projectile at the enemy but, what I am looking for is some spells that when cast, it is invoked at the conjurers feet, or maybe at a target location, but with a very limited max distance. After it is summoned this criature will run/fly at the enemy and explode dealing damage to the target and disapear. For some reason I thought of Chaurus and Chaurus Hunters with green colors and some green bulbous growths on them going stratight at the enemies. Also I imagine the damage shoudln't be too high else it just becomes destruction magic.


Well those are my ideas for this, I am actually going to look up some modding tutorials and see if I can actually make this myself if no one ends up interested in these ideas. But I imagine it would be better if someone with any experience made it.


Thanks :D


tl;dr : I am looking for either a concentration spell that buffs my summons/undead or a spell that summons exploding creatures like banelings.

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