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Bink Video?


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I wanted to add a cut scene to my mod.

To do so, I used a free .bik converter and made a bink video that will play at a predetermined time.

Later, I looked on their site to fine lots of weird licencing crap.

If you have to buy licencing, why make a free converter?

nobody would do that, so I was wondering if it was OK for me to bundle it (video) with mod.

Any help whatsoever would be very, very much appreciated.



-The Ozzgarth

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Depends what the license says.

If you don't agree with it you could use a different converter with terms more to your liking.

Pragmatically speaking, who is going to know?

So you're saying that the licencing of the converter is what matters? Hmmmmm Interesting...


Found a free one online... Might use that if what you say is true.


(BTW Thank You X 1000 for the quick and most likely accurate answer)


-The Ozzgarth

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If you're going to post footage from The Matrix or something, that would be an important license to pay attention to, also.

Nope! All original content, and screenshots ect. :D


-The Ozzgarth

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