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Being a Mage


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Thanks for all the imput folks. will still give it a go, might go light armor user, then see how that goes. I also notice a shortage of craftable/enchantable staffs in the game. Is there a reason for this? Was thinking be nice if I could get my enchanting up and make a nice fire ball shooting staff. Or just be able to enchant one.... Well am off work rework this new mage. He will use light armor and work the destruction tree as well as the others. maybe on my next play through as I learn to be a better mage, hit and run... hit... and run :facepalm: as bolts of magic fly over my head..... and will be able to go the no armor wearing mage routine. AS far as magic mods am using the Balanced magic and the Art of magica. thanks again for all the information have a great day
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I'm currently using a conjuration-illusion oriented mage. Imho invisibility is more than useful for this kind of characters (but you'll need some sneaking to make it effective). My main strategy is: Muffle+Invisibility to go near the battle field without being spotted, then cast a bunch of Frenzies to make them fight each other (this is great especially if there are a lot of enemies), then i cast my atronach or daedra. Invisibility again: sit down and enjoy the fight like a boss. If someone spot you and start running after just cast Calm or Pacify.


In some situation i still need to use the other spells, all of them, destruction, restoration and some alteration too. I dont use any followers since they would screw up my sneaking part. The sad part is that you're dead with one single arrow -.- (alteration helps)

Edited by odculteln
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