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Hey fellas, just felt like I should start off with I'm new to modding. Just made my first 2 mods which is just upgraded stats, and made new temper recipies. One of the items I modded was creating a new Azhidals arcana, I buffed ignite to be viable in legendary difficulty but now I wish to change the flame color emitted from only the modded version of ignite. I downloaded Nifskope and GIMP 2 to do this. Iv'e tried several things mostly consisting of changing the Emissive Color and every single BSEffectShaderProperty under any and all NiNodes into Green. Iv'e also been wanting to try changing the Greyscale Texture, however where nifskope pulls the file from I cannot find it via File Explorer or GIMP - textures\effects\gradients\GradFireCloak01.dds. It just doenst exist. The folders exist but the only thing inside is gradblood.dds and gradblood02.dds.


Any help would be highly appreciated.


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Maybe the file you want to edit is from Vanilla Skyrim. If that's the case, you won't find it in your "Skyrim/Data...." directories. To access the file, you would have to unpack "Skyrim_textures.bsa". This can easily be done with any BSA-unpacker software (personally I'm using "BSA Browser", but there are other options, too - e.g. "DDSOpt"). Once you've edited the file, you can save it separately (just be sure to use the right folder). Skyrim always looks at the separate files first. If it doesn't find a modified version of a file, it will use the BSAs, otherwise the loose file will take priority over the one in the bsa.


It might also help to look at already existing recolors of Vanilla Spells - just to see how other modders handle such things.

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