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Please Help to I.D. Character


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Does anyone know who or what she is I can't find any info on her at all. I found her in the Temple of Mara in Riften. She was attending my wedding and just looked like someone I would want as a follower. Good choice cuz she fights like a tiger. But I know nothing about her, what race she is or weather she is a magic type. She was wearing fur armor, but when I took it off she is wearing a Nocturnal type dress that I can't remove. I put her in ebony ranger armor and she wears that ok with no problem. She is not a mod that I can see so I'm wondering if maybe she is left over from the Thieves Guild, but I don't remember her. Click on the pic and check out her eyes and the green streaks. That's what's throwing me off.



Edited by varkonasnorse
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There's no vanilla character named Heidi. Immersive Wenches maybe? There are two ways that I can think of to figure out which mod she's from:


Method 1

  1. Install Mfg Console.
  2. In game with Heidi in view, open the console (~).
  3. Click on her.
  4. In the bottom-right corner, it should say what ESP or ESM she's from.
  5. You can also press Tab to enable the "Extra Info" window to see more.

Method 2

  1. In game with Heidi in view, open the console (~).
  2. Click on her.
  3. Look at the RefID that appears on the top of the console. e.g. "(b3002306)
  4. Take the first two digits (e.g. b3). This is the load order number in hexadecimal.
  5. Find the corresponding mod in your plugins list (e.g. b3 = 179).


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Method 2

  1. In game with Heidi in view, open the console (~).

Click on her.

Look at the RefID that appears on the top of the console. e.g. "(b3002306)

Take the first two digits (e.g. b3). This is the load order number in hexadecimal.

Find the corresponding mod in your plugins list (e.g. b3 = 179).


Edited by varkonasnorse
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Method 2

  1. In game with Heidi in view, open the console (~).
  2. Click on her.
  3. Look at the RefID that appears on the top of the console. e.g. "(b3002306)
  4. Take the first two digits (e.g. b3). This is the load order number in hexadecimal.
  5. Find the corresponding mod in your plugins list (e.g. b3 = 179).


Ok, found her this way. Thanks again, you are awesome! :cool:

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