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Guitar Hero or Rock Band OR real guitar?


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Well you kids can mash buttons better than pressing fingers on the fret board :D Real deal is for the patient and the gifted, and these are both rare talents only given to some blessed individuals, so I can t really blame you for playing GH or RB or FoF :D
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Well you kids can mash buttons better than pressing fingers on the fret board :D Real deal is for the patient and the gifted, and these are both rare talents only given to some blessed individuals, so I can t really blame you for playing GH or RB or FoF :D


This simply isn't true. It's like saying you can beat Oblivion using only the mouse. Button-mashing kids couldn't play GH/RB/etc realistically as the game requires patience and attention to the beat, similar to playing songs on a real instrument. If you plod through the song haphazardly, chances are you will fail miserably. And these skills you've mentioned, while precious, aren't rare gifts/blessings to be distributed miserly by some unknown Scrooge, but freely available to anyone dedicated enough to practice diligently.

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Good call, you won't impress any girls with GH :P

acoustic guitars are really nice, keep in mind I practiced guitar for a year before I had even got the hang of it, but then again I was 12 at the time.


Yeas learning guitar can be hard!


but you can never get enough practise! :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...
Thats right just keep practise and some day you will mayby be a Guitar Hero! ps: saving money for a National Style O (Could take some years) im practicing on the intro from Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet! beautiful guitar play from Mark Knopfler :D
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Guitar hero specifically the first one. GH 2's song list was a bit bleh to me and I took 1 look at GH 3's and swore an oath I'd never play it. I've never bought rock band no game is worth $150 to me but I have played it at my friends. Again I'm not pleased with rock bands music list. Personally I'm not a that big a fan of any because I have poor reflexes and a bum left hand. I prefer drums I've been playing them for the last 4 years and so far I'm decent at them but because of my stupidity in my younger years I can't play them for long without having pains in my left hand and right knee.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Rock band is a blight upon all musical instruments!!


Mainly cus I suck at it like all other real guitar players are


but still, the music isn't even in rhythm with the "notes" cus you have to hit it like 2 seconds before it crosses the line thing

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FYI, I've seen kids play this game with as much skill as many musicians. It's just a matter of what your personal preference is on what you choose to excel in.



Look, I enjoy the games, but most people that I know who have owned it (myself included) have gotten to expert difficulty in a week, and tht's just with casual playing. becoming a musician takes countless hours of dedicated study and practice.


Have you ever thought that some of us just can't play the real guitar? As I said I have played the guitar but failed miserably so.....

Untrue. Everyone can play guitar. Everyone also sucks at first. It's just a matter of who is more dedicated to becoming a better player.

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