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So I know next to nothing about hair, but recently I stumbled onto a mod of some hairs(it was from the KS Hairos series) where the hair was more than one color. Before, I didn't know it was possible. But now I do, and the first thing that came to my mind was that there's a specific hair style/color I would love to be able to use, because it would perfectly fit one of my characters. It's blonde with red hidden underneath, if that makes any sense. If it doesn't, don't worry, I'm including picture links at the bottom. But yeah. Just straight hair, with those two colors in mind, I don't know how to get that to work. I'm using RaceMenu, so whatever color the hair needs to be as far as the game is concerned, I'm good with because I can match it.

I can download any hair mod that it's a recolor of, if that's needed. I just... Really, really want to be able to perfectly make this character, because it is a character I've put a lot of heart and soul into, so being able to play this character in Skyrim would be a dream come true. So if anyone is able to do this for me, I would really, truly appreciate it.


Pictures for reference:

Edited by moriartyj227
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