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1.5 patch gave me permanent shadows


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Check the SkyrimPrefs.ini for the iShadowFilter value, set it lower, to less than 3.


I set it to 1 (it was at 3 to begin with) but it didn't do the trick unfortunately.

What I did notice now is the problem solves itself when I switch to 1st person view, something I never ever do normally. I'm a bit afraid this has nothing to do with prefs or settings, but a conflict the 1.5 update has with my graphics card.

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@ fakedesign


I have the same issues with the game since 1.5 ( actualy my 1st person view is also "broken" but only outside, mostly in areas with much grass/trees) but i run a ATI HD7970 so it should not be something Graka, or driverspecific.


I first thought i ruined my game because i played around with some ENB and post processing injector stuff (and Gophers Dynavision) but that seems not to be the problem either.



I always thought patches are there to repair things, not the opposite ;)


edit: Lol 5 minutes after i wrote this comment i try'd to set iShadowFilter to 2 (thought why the hell not thats lower than 3 ;) ), and boom it seems to work now for me now... THX Morwyn :)

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@ fakedesign


I have the same issues with the game since 1.5 ( actualy my 1st person view is also "broken" but only outside, mostly in areas with much grass/trees) but i run a ATI HD7970 so it should not be something Graka, or driverspecific.


I first thought i ruined my game because i played around with some ENB and post processing injector stuff (and Gophers Dynavision) but that seems not to be the problem either.



I always thought patches are there to repair things, not the opposite ;)


edit: Lol 5 minutes after i wrote this comment i try'd to set iShadowFilter to 2 (thought why the hell not thats lower than 3 ;) ), and boom it seems to work now for me now... THX Morwyn :)


if you have an ati, i suggest you to look for driver, i have read they have released a new patch today..

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check for the driver for your nvdia, the 296.10 work like a cham for me


Updated the driver, problem fixed. Thanks a LOT mate! That was really spoiling the fun for me :)



exelent news !!!, i am happy your problem are fixed, go save the word now, and dont's let any dragon alive.

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