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Need help for Mod


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Hello guys ! (In first sorry for my english i try to explain at my best what i would :)).


So i guess for a lot of people my request is not very hard but i try to do myself with creation kit but i found that really hard to understanding for me.



In first time i want to upgrade all the cities (9 cities we know about skyrim).

When i said upgrade i just want to place more guard npc to all cities.


The numbers of guard added depent of military force about the cities for example : Solitude is the main city so i guess its the powerfull city of all.

So i want to place a lot of guard permanent and patrol around city and in the city for keep the cities safe.


For me in skyrim a lot of mods a interesting like DD , WIS ect but all of this mod upgrade the outside environement and for me in skyrim the cities all really weak.


So , place archer on wall and guard a strategic points and specialy around the Throne and Jarls.

You dont found Jarls are weak and this right arms ?.


My dream is to conquer the nines crown of Tamriel with my vampire army ! (i use other mod).

Make with good armor Jarls and protector's of Jarls not only clothes with iron axe ! and for sure make them non essential ! ^^ for killingspree !



I have others ideas about skyrim like Silverhand and Werewolf ? why not add mods with more Silverhand wanted for vampire and werewolf around the country ?

At the same a mod with more npc able to transform to werewolf and fight against vampire and silverhand like Underwold for example but at the middle age :P.


Thanks for all and have fun !


I hope someone give me an answer about my thread ! bye !

Edited by Baumanuk
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