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Ryan's Request Thread for Skyrim!


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Hello, I am going to show you a few Skyrim mod requests.

First, we will have...


Physical crafting and cooking!

Features include equippable smithing/cooking tools that when the required items are dropped and close together, and you attack them, it removes the objects from the world and adds the item you crafted. Physical cooking will be different. You have to put it in a pot or fire, then use the stirring spoon/frying pan (what the tools should be).


Next, all I need is it to be like your being a ragdoll without dying, and getting up after. Like getting "Fus Ro Dah"'ed in place. Should have a toggle keybind.


Finally, we have a simple food overhaul.

Just 2 things. An option to eat the food from the world/interior, and also to allow cooking in any fire.




That's all for now!

Edited by Ryan5280
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