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Dead NPC's (Script help needed)


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Hey, nexus.


So I've been working on my first mod for a few months, and it's very nearly done. I just have one issue: One of my NPC's, who needs to be dead by the time the mod starts... isn't.


This is an issue I'd looked up previously, and I actually had managed to get her dead for a while9For the curious, I went into her stats and set he base health to zero). But very recently I attached a script to her that would check the players medical skill to determine if they could discover her cause of death. The script in question works, but it had one drawback - she is no longer dead. She just stands, stock-still(having no packages attached to her at all). You can still perform the check, but there's really no sense in checking how a person died if they aren't actually dead, and considering her death is the impetus for the plot... yeah.


So anyways, I was hoping someone might be able to tell me WHY this is happening, and offer some help. Here's the script in question:


scn LEMarilynMedCheck

ref ActivatingActor

begin onActivate

set ActivatingActor to GetActionREF

if ActivatingActor.GetIsReference player

; Medical Examination of corpse message
	if player.getav medicine < 30
		ShowMessage LEMarilynMedFailure
	elseif player.getav medicine >= 30
		ShowMessage LEMarilynMedSuccess



This was lifted from VFSOrrisThugScript. I cut the part out at the very end that allows the player to check if they're actually dead or just faking it, and changed the numbers and messages. I'm worrying that there's something still in there that's keeping her alive, but I'm quite frankly awful at scripting so if there is I can't spot it. I'd appreciate any help that anyone has to offer. Thanks!

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rotarydanimal - I did a bit of looking; Can't seem to find anything related to those two. Really though I think I'd run into a similar problem. But thanks for the tip anyways.


Quetzlsacatanango - It's not really an editor problem, it's that when I go into the actual game to test the mod she's standing around.

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