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Stand Alone Effects - not spell or perk bound


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Hi nexus modders! I hope you can help me out on this pickle I'm in!


Here's the question:

I want to add effects to the game that don't require the player to do anything, no spells or using perk points etc.

I have a very promising lead! The perk named "perkskillboosts" is on by default, and it just happens without the player doing anything.


If I add my entries to that perk, they take place in the game exactly as I want.

This is great but it would conflict with updates and other mods changing that perk,

I tried to duplicate that perk, but the duplicated perk doesn't have the on by default feature I want.


Does anyone know how to make a perk just be on all the time from the start of the game like perkskillboosts?



If I add: Mod Attack Damage -50 to perksillboosts it has effect when I load any game with that esp enabled.

but, if I add the same line to the duplicated perk, it has no effect unless I do player.addperk perkid-of-duplicated-perk

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Think you want an ability, Nord frost resistance is an ability.

Make an magic effect, rename an ability to get an new one and give it the effect.

The magic ability can be anything, however it will be an constant effect,


you can however use an script in it who trigger another spell, say healing you 100 health if your health fall under 20% once a day.


Now you can give the player or npc the ability with any script with addspell also remove it with removespell

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Just took a look in the Creation Kit, and if you right click the perk and choose ''Use info'' you'll see that the perk is used by the Player Actor and all kinds of presets for all races. So it seems like adding a perk to the player and to those presets will automatically add the perk to all NPCs.
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Oh great! I'll have a look at that now!

What I'm most worried about is conflict with other mods. So adding an ability to a race would not be compatible with new races or mods that alter races, that's a big subset, it'd rather add a perk with a console command than that.

Thanks for the replies!!



damn... so here's the thing, if I attack a new perk to the PLAYER object it works, it adds the perk activated, but then another mod affecting that entry will conflict

if I add an ability to a race or player template, it also conflicts..


There's gotta be a way to add an active effect that doesn't depend on another object remaining unchanted...


Like imagine adding a perk, and it's set as "on" ... no?

Edited by Athyra
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It shouldn't conflict with quests at all as you'll create your own quest which in turn it gets it's own FormID and those are unique to each esp depending on te loadorder.


Thanks again for the good advice!

I added a quest, the quest runs a script when the quest starts, which is on 1st load, and the script adds whatever perks I want. Great! Works well!


I am running into one problem.

If I update the script, and quest, and make a new .esp file, and then load a game that had already started this quest and done it's startup stuff, it wont run the script again.


Is there a way, in a quest, to have it trigger a stage or script each time the game loads?

Or, is there a guaranteed way to have it re-run my script or stage each time I update the mod?


Should I just create a new quest each time I make a new version of the mod so it starts the new quest, adds the perk, then finishes the quest?


As you can see, I'm just getting my feet wet with this and ready to jump in but not sure where to go! :)

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Im not good with quest scripting but cant you make quest what starts if player is above lv1? So it will always be on no matter where you are. Also you wanna add new powers, effects or upgrade existing one?


If you plan adding new ones then just do same quest just change quest ID by ading number or something and change power what will be added and should be working. Also I think upgrading existing one will not require changing esp. Efect will be upgraded even when its ok. ust dont change power/effect name. Just its status. If it wont work do same thing but turn off esp and turn it again



More advanced members please corect me if Im wrong. Becouse Im not 100% sure did I give good advice. My knowlage about this anwser is just based on knowlage I got from watching random toturials

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I am running into one problem.

If I update the script, and quest, and make a new .esp file, and then load a game that had already started this quest and done it's startup stuff, it wont run the script again.

Make the quest start on a "oncellchange" (or something like that) event from the story manager, that would start it pretty much anytime. Remember to make sure the quest ends and it doesn't starts again if you dont need it though, no need for having the quest running everytime the story manager fires off that event. CreationKit.com wiki has... 2 story manager tutorials i believe. Just poke at it a lil bit, it isnt that complex to use.


You have more luck than me dealing with perks though, i tried to make a lever that added some testing perks to the player, it didnt worked at all for some reason.

Edited by eltucu
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