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Mod Organizer not loading mods for SSE. (possible Windows 10 Insider error)


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Title pretty much says it all, but I've been having issues with Mods getting loaded in SSE when being activated by Mod Organizer (version erasmux 2.1 (2017-12-26), also for whatever reason SSEEdit doesn't recognize any mods being loaded either. I'm greeted with a completely blank mod list. I was under the impression that this was being caused by the current Windows 10 Insider Preview I currently have running as I heard it causes some problems with MO, but the problem was apparently patched out in earlier versions of the Insider Preview Build. https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2017/09/27/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-17004-pc-skip-ahead/#pRq5eXg4sX7h01Ij.97


I am currently running "Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17063" which came out after build 17044 which supposedly fixed the problem, so would I be incorrect to assume my problem is not Windows 10 related? Any help would be much appreciated.


edit: So it appears to me that I have accidentally posted this in the Oldrim section, my apologies, this was intended for the Skyrim Special Edition section of the forum. I have no idea how to fix this so can an admin help me out please? Again soooo sorry /_\

Edited by ThatOneGirl
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Mod organizer was having a lot of problems with windows insider in general when I was using it for oldrim to get past the 4gb Limit. I even once had my whole mod organizer folder quarantined by an insider build and had to reinstall mod organizer and all my mods. I stopped dealing with insider builds after that
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Mod organizer was having a lot of problems with windows insider in general when I was using it for oldrim to get past the 4gb Limit. I even once had my whole mod organizer folder quarantined by an insider build and had to reinstall mod organizer and all my mods. I stopped dealing with insider builds after that

What a bummer, should I just go back to the regular windows 10 build then? I heard the creators update is also messing with MO

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