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Why can't I add this mod?


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I'd like to add this mod so that the colors and contrasts gets a bit better. Though when I add all the files and change the command that's needed my game wont launch.



All I want is for my game to look like this:

http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/11318-4-1331379277.jpg (Third picture)


Sorry if I'm in the wrong section of the forums :(¨


Could it be that my game is running a newer version of the game? I've patched it to the latest.

Edited by cryckan90
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A link to the mod in question could be helpful. If you haven't read the readme included in the mod, that's also a great start.
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Are you running any background monitoring software (MSI AfterBurner, CPU Accelerater, RivaTuner, etc.)? If so, try disabling it before launching Skyrim as these are known to interfere with the injection method of ENBseries.


ENBseries shouldn't care what version of the game you're running. It's primarily driver level alterations.


Did you install this manually or via a manager? NMM and similar programs won't install ENBseries-based mods properly as they belong in the \Skyrim\ folder and not \Skyrim\Data\. If you installed it manually, are you sure you placed d3d9.ddl, Shaders.fx, and ENBconfig.ini in the root \Skyrim\ folder? If any of these aren't where they're supposed to be it can cause problems.


Are you on an nVidia or an AMD card?

Edited by MShoap13
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Are you running any background monitoring software (MSI AfterBurner, CPU Accelerater, RivaTuner, etc.)? If so, try disabling it before launching Skyrim as these are known to interfere with the injection method of ENBseries.


ENBseries shouldn't care what version of the game you're running. It's primarily driver level alterations.


Did you install this manually or via a manager? NMM and similar programs won't install ENBseries-based mods properly as they belong in the \Skyrim\ folder and not \Skyrim\Data\. If you installed it manually, are you sure you placed d3d9.ddl, Shaders.fx, and ENBconfig.ini in the root \Skyrim\ folder? If any of these aren't where they're supposed to be it can cause problems.


Are you on an nVidia or an AMD card?

Thanks. Turning MSI Afterburner off did the trick :) Although now I notice that my fps goes to 33% with this mod :( From 110 to 30.

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