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area 37

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I could do with some Help if anybody can. This may be so easy to fix but for the life of me can't figure it out.

I'm currently working on my very first mod and may have bitten off more than I can chew, but i am making good progress (in my opinion).

My mod is called area 37 and is basically a new world space will a huge military bace, prison and massive airport. My problem is this, in my military base iv got huge buildings and high off the ground walkways Wich look very impressive. But when I enter the game to test I can't see any of the buildings in the distance. Objects seem to appear as I gt closer to them but if I walk backwards they disappear again. Even mountains have this problem. All you see is sky until u get close.

This kinda ruins my ideas in the sence that the large buildings are ment to be impressive but that doesn't matter if u can only see the from 4 foot away. So, how can I increase the deapth of view in my world space?

Hope you can help and you will probaly be seeing a lot more of my novice questions over the conning months. Cheers

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