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[LE] Putting this to Bed Once and For All - Forcegreets through AI Packing via Quest Stages


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This has been a bane of my existence for a few years now. Put simply, I am trying to add a simple forcegreet to a follower that is currently following me. For some reason, I get mixed results. The only way I can get it to work is if I use scenes and I believe I can do it with just a simple AI package. Difficulty: It's Serana so chances are her bugged AI is probably causing all sorts of issues.


I need someone to just follow my train of though as I go through my process and point to where I am screwing up.


First, I create a simple Dialogue block to test to see if the dialogue works:








Next, I write a simple AI package for the forcegreet as shown:








Then, I write a simple quest stage progress where stage 10 starts the forcegreet:








Then, I create an alias:








Then, in Stage 10, I write the following:



Debug.Notification("Forcegree Active!")

I add the three seconds to see if the package evaluates and a Notification to see if it goes into stage 10.


Then set the stage to 10 and the Notification pops up, but nothing else happens. The package does not evaluate.


At this point, it's been a few years that I have been wrapping my head around this. I really want this demon put to rest so I can move on. Any help will do. If more information is needed, I will add on to it. Thanks again.

Edited by ThatGuyYeah
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1. Are your sure your alias is being filled? type sqv yourquestname in the console to see if its filled.


2. Set the quest priority to 99 so that the alias takes priority over vanilla quests


3. Set the package's owner quest to your alias quest, and add getstage == 10 to your package conditions. This is most likely why it's not firing.

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1. Are your sure your alias is being filled? type sqv yourquestname in the console to see if its filled.


2. Set the quest priority to 99 so that the alias takes priority over vanilla quests


3. Set the package's owner quest to your alias quest, and add getstage == 10 to your package conditions. This is most likely why it's not firing.


Alias was loaded and status was set but setting priority to 99 (mine was 60 originally) seemed to have fixed it. Thanks!


Now my next question does setting the quest priority to 99 break other quests?

Edited by ThatGuyYeah
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1. Are your sure your alias is being filled? type sqv yourquestname in the console to see if its filled.


2. Set the quest priority to 99 so that the alias takes priority over vanilla quests


3. Set the package's owner quest to your alias quest, and add getstage == 10 to your package conditions. This is most likely why it's not firing.


Alias was loaded and status was set but setting priority to 99 (mine was 60 originally) seemed to have fixed it. Thanks!


Now my next question does setting the quest priority to 99 break other quests?



It just means that anything *your* quest (because it has priority 99) wants to handle will get done first. So in the case of a package, if any packages on aliases on your quest do not apply, then it will fall back to other quests starting with whomever has the highest priority. If you have dialogue, then it will get priority over any other quests that have dialogue involving your targets. As previously suggested, adding the stage condition to the package is desirable so that once the stage is changed off the trigger point, even if your quest is still running, the package will be ignored.

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