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FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef(GetBaseObject(), Self, 1000)


Will this line always return the object that the script is running on? Because that would be insanely lame. There has to be a way to do something just like this an exclude the object reference that the script is running on from the find.

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Tested it and it does. How dumb is that....



So if you place an object with placeatme that you already placed before, you have to use FindRandomRefOfTypeFromRef() and use luck and if statements to hopefully find a previous reference that you placed of the same type. What a joke.


Unless of course there is a way to "remotely" change the state of a script, then maybe I could flip flop between two identical object references with different names, and thus be able to reliably find the previous object in a single check.

Edited by elseagoat
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