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1.5 crashing


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I'm not exactly sure it is housing mods alone that are causing this. I get CTD's coming out of Red Belly Mine after clearing it. Ended up having to load one before the mine. I also have gotten CTD's entering and leaving Cities. (Whiterun, Riften, Dawnstar, Winterhold). I am not currently running the Dovakiin Hideout mod. Haven't ran that one for a while now.One mod author thinks it is somehow related to navmeshes. I don't have a clue. I really wonder why this wasn't caught before the "patch" was released. :) Oh well have to wait on the patch to patch the patch. :)
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Latest patch solved all my CTD every 15 mins or so. I also found using vurt overhaul, with treeHD and lush trees together caused lots of CTD. Even with the compatibility patch, so removed lush trees and problem solved. I have sli 3gb gtx 580's so I don't think it was VRAM issues
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  On 3/23/2012 at 8:09 AM, shinanju92 said:

anyone crashing skyrim randomly every 15-30 minutes? Ever since the new patch this has been happening to me, also gallow rock for the companion quest will not load the dungeon all i see is the exit and two poles, while everything else is completely white.


Yes, I've had lots of crashes to desktop since Steam forced 1.5 on me without my knowledge or permission. Bethesda are going to have to upgrade the upgrade, I think.

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I have had so many goddamn CTDs since 1.5 it's just not funny. Every day I have 4-6 CTDs. At first, the beta solution stopped the Hideout related issues, but now I get it when I ride a horse, and evertime I try to enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. BESTHESDA, Y U NO FIX PROPERLY?!
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