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Textures for Fireholders


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I have many mods installed, but can't figure out what mods may be causing these textures to go missing. My mod list is as follows:


- RealVision ENB

- Lightning during Thunderstorms (Patch Mod included)

- Realistic water two

- True Storms

- Enhanced lights and FX


- Skyrim Flora Overhaul

- Skyrim 2k textures (Full)


- Climates of Tamriel (Patch Mod included)

- HDT physics extensions

- Unofficial Skyrim patch (Legendary)

- RaceMenu

- SkyUI


I've also got a couple screenshots for examples. Which mod may be the issue? Thanks!




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My guess would be one of these:


- Enhanced lights and FX

- Skyrim 2k textures (Full)



I'm not sure if ELFX or 2k textures edits these, but I know SMIM alters some of those for sure. My best guess is that SMIM didn't fully install for some reason.

Edited by DarkRudra
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