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Problems with the texture and the graphic


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I'm new to this forum and english is my second language so there might be some mistake in this text so please correct me :)



I made this post about the problems with my game. I bought the game on steam and completed the story and didn't play for a while. Than 1 month later I saw the skyrim workingbanch and I downloaded the HD Texture Pack and I installed it and tryed it out. It was fine and played for a hour and closed it. Than for the past 2 weeks I wanted to play skyrim and in launched it started a new game. It went through the intro perfectly until i came to the part where they go with carriage

to the town. In this part there is a lot of fog so everytime a fog goes through a texture (exemple: trees, plants etc.) wierd particels come up. I dont know what happend with the graphics. I uninstalled & reintalled it for 10 x and still the same problem. The only things that happend between 2 months where that I installed HD Texture Pack and format my computer once.


Here are some pictures:









Please help me and would really appreciate.


Have a nice day!




//Nevermind I found another post with the same problem and it fixed it.

Edited by divcek
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