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Need Help Figuring out how Fast Travel Mats are Scripted or something, something, fast travel mats.


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I know there is a mod on beth.net for a fast travel/map marker repositioning for Hangman's Alley, but what I am trying to figure out is a way to actually get the fast travel mat to work in hangman's alley.


Is there a trigger that isn't going off when inside hangman's alley? I feel like it could be something simple as that.


I am just really unsure where to start looking. If you need more information, please feel free to reply. I have a disease of doubt and worry so it destroys my grammar. I will better word it, if needed.

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Well, now I added a property on accident to the FensRaider...workshopscript and I don't know how to remove it. Apparently, I can't delete the property and I am scared it's going to break the game now...


Doesn't break the game...so far, but It's really bugging me that I can't remove it. Will a stray integer bug out the script in anyway? It's the workshopscript.pex . I was trying to add a property for an action, but apparently, testing to add a property is unwise, lol.

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You can control where the player ends up when fast traveling by adding a linked ref to the map marker reference. The script on the fast travel mats does this by moving the linked ref form the map marker to itself when you place it. I had a quick look at the script for those mats and it uses a linked ref found on the workshop with the keyword "WorkshopLinkSpawn". Looking at the workshop at hangman's alley the linked ref with that keyword is not the one linked to the actual map marker. So to fix this all you need to do is remove that linked ref and make a new one to the correct marker (you can find it by looking at the linked references on the map marker) and using the correct keyword ("WorkshopLinkSpawn).

Edited by LoneRaptor
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Okay, so I went into the Workshop...Deleted and Added REF WorkshopLinkSpawn>XMarkerHeading (001AE1A3) It keeps pushing me back to that spawn, which is correct, but the mat is still not working. Do I have the wrong XMarker or MapMarker? The best I got it was to spawn from the mapmarker in Hangman's Alley. Okay, I think Might have figured it out.

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I looked into it some more and the original post from wim95 appears to be correct. The reason my method doesn't work is because the mats get their map marker from the WorkshopScript attached to the workshopRef (instead of the linked ref). Which in turn gets set by the WorkshopInitializeLocation quest script. this script gets the map marker from the location the player was in when the event was triggered and because there are two map markers close together hangman's alley and Flagon Tunnel (in adjacent cells and the hangman's alley one is right at the border between the two) it can choose the wrong map marker depending on where you were when the event triggered. I assume this event only triggers once but I'm not sure. A possible fix could be to add a script on the workshop ref at hangman's alley that makes sure the right map marker is selected. Something like this: (untested)


ObjectReference Property MapMarker Auto ;fill this with the correct mapMarker (not the xMarkerHeading)
WorkshopScript Property WorkshopRef auto ;fill this with the objectreference for the workshop
Event OnWorkshopMode(bool aStart)    ;event triggered when the player enters or exits the wrokshop mode
    if(WorkshopRef.myMapMarker != MapMarker); only change the map marker if needed
        WorkshopRef.myMapMarker = MapMarker
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