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Chameleon Amulet


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If you do a couple of initial mages guild quests for Edwinna in Ald Ruhn (both easy and safe) you can do the first one for Skink in Sadrith Mora. You escort a woman to the dock. If you speak to her afterwards she gives you two summon atronach spells. Even if you are very low level they will enable you to get the amulet.
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on the topic of good amulets, I came accrose two particlarly good ones, an amulet of divine itervetion (could be the other one but I can't seem to remeber the name of it) and an amulet of cure poison, both these I keep on my person at all times.
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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, from edwinna you can get alsivi and divine intervention. Very good and usefull for those non magic folk (like my previous characters)


When i was first asked to go and get her ring I found it no problem and was shocked to see arrows and poison bolts zipp passed my head, i tried to win but I got killed by the invisible one.


5 levels i came back (after a save) and slammed the invisible one with a dwemer warhammer!

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yeah, thats why, it says something like "they try to catch unweary travelers' or something so, yes they are muggers but since they dont beat you up and steal your stuff they just kill you and walk away most of the time.
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