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2 Requests


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There are 2 things I'd like to see Mods for in Skyrim and since I have no idea how to make Mods myself, I make my request here.

1, Quest Items. I'd like to be able to drop quest items once the quest that uses that item has been completed. Hell I finished the entire main quest already and yet I'm still lugging that friggan Elder Scroll around and the thing weighs like 10 pounds (or whatever the hell the weight unit is) Whoever heard of a 10 pound scroll anyway? I still want to keep the thing, I just want to be able to put it in a chest in my house or something so I don't have to lug it around everywhere and have it effect my extremely arbitrary weight limit.


2. One thing I miss from Oblivion is the menu screen that told me what factions I belonged to and my rank within each of them. A Mod that provides one for Skyrim would be great.


Ok, I lied, I have 3 requests...


3. Conversion timeouts. You know, if you take to long to respond to an NPC during a conversion, the conversation automatically quits just as if you had hit the <Tab> key. Yeah, I hate that. I liked being able to take as long a friggan well pleased to respond to the NPCs while they just stood there staring blankly at me. I've looked all over for a Mod that would get rid of this timeout, but I can't find one anywhere; which is strange because I would've thought this would've been one of the first things modded. Anyway if someone wants to take care of that, I'd be grateful.

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