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Need help fixing a mesh please :)


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Hi all,


I'm trying to mod a fallout 4 body mesh and have royally screwed up the neckline with my overzealous smoothing, leaving big gaps where the body mesh joins the head mesh :geek: . To try and fix the problem, I've deleted the neck line and surrounding faces and replaced them with the neckline faces from the original model. I've ctrl+J'ed the two parts to join them and am now trying to join the neckline to the rest of the body by selecting verts between the 2 and using the fill tool (F). However, every new face I add appears really weird on the UV map :huh: . I've enclosed a pic to show what I mean. Does anyone know what I've done wrong and how to fix it please?


Edit - Also, is there a btter/easier way to do this than my ham-fisted attempts?


Many thanks :happy:

Edited by Elbubsio
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Once you delete, add new and smooth sculpt geometry, you will screw up the UV. It's possible to reconnect geometry for a couple dozen new polys, but from what I'm seeing in the screenshot, you have literally made a mess of the topology.

When you smooth a vertex, you are pushing it away from its twin UV vertex on the 2D plane, and you will get horrible stretches on the UV. The only way to smooth without distorting the UVs is to activate axis lock and smooth perpendicular.

Every bit of new geometry you add will not be automatically unwrapped. You need to select it and hit U. Do not re-unwrap already unwrapped parts of the mesh - It will reset their coordinates.

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Doh, so I'm guessing I need to start over then? A shame as I spent about 6 hours getting the mesh right (apart from the neck ) :ermm:


So, to alleviate the problem from happening in the first place, is there a way to lock the edges/verts/faces around the neckline and cuffs (where the arms meet the hands), so that they are unaffected by sculpting? I know you can do it in edit mode, but not sure if it's possible in sculpt mode. :confused:


Thanks both for the answers.

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Yes. You can lock geometry by using vertex groups and shape keys. It's pretty easy to set up.

1. In Edit Mode, select all vertices you want to lock down.

2. Now invert your selection.

3. In the Data tab (with the vertex icon), create a vertex group and click assign.

4. In Sculpt Mode, create two keys under Shape Keys. One Basis, and one Key 1. Key 1 will be automatically selected.

5. Tick the "Edit Mode" icon next to the pin and drag the "Value" slider to 1.0

6. Under "Blend", click the vertex box and assign "Group".

You are now sculpting on Shape Key 1, using the vertex group as a mask.

If you want to compare between the base mesh and your sculpt, click the eye icon next to Key 1 under Shape Keys.

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