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A Follower that HEALS you


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Hey guys,


For a long time people have been saying that followers can`t heal you, that that`s just the way they were made, unable to use healing spells on the player.


However, I have been using a multiple followers mod and I have all 6 pure mage followers with me and I`ve been receiving heals from time to time from them.


I don`t know who of them did it, but it`s one of these:


Brelyna Maryon




Aranea Ienith


I tend to think one of the last 2 did it because I`ve been using the first 4 a lot before the multiple followers mods and never got healed, it only happened after Illia and Aranea Ienith joined me.


Can someone who actually knows how to mod look into this ?


A healer follower would be really nice for lore friendly gameplay.

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