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Reduced Mannequin Size & odd behavior.


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I shrunk some Mannequins and clustered them close together.

They work. I have no problems with that. The following are the issues I'm having.

-Some of them jump around when changing gear

-I frequently have difficulty getting the activate option. Moving around occasionally resolves this.

-When the mannequins are equipped, I need to target between their feet or over their shoulder to get the activate option.

-When equipping, I get pushed around a lot (not always by the ones that jump around, but frequently that's the case)


My XMarkerHeadings are placed exactly on top of my Mannequins (I used the position editor and copy/pasted the X, Y and Z coordinates from each mannequin to its marker.)

After experiencing the activation issue, I shifted the trigger a little bit in front of the mannequins with no luck.


I believe the XMarkerHeading is part of the problem. The Creation Kit refuses to shrink them, and originally I couldn't get anywhere close to the mannequins because the markers were obstructing me.

After setting the navemesh import option to "filter" for all of them, I can move around like I want, but I still run into something that isn't there from time to time.

Is it Possible to create a SmallXMarkerHeading?


I also wonder if the gear I'm equipping on the mannequins is pushing things around while it's being equipped. I'm pretty sure it's somehow covering the trigger.


Is there any way to completely disable collision for the mannequins? I was able to do this for the trigger and marker. (I'm not sure if it's working for the markers 100% of the time though)

Edited by Inilukie
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