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Legal Issues Maybe?


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I have a question, though I am not sure this is the best place to ask, I will ask it here anyway.


I am wrapping up development on my mod, SkyRadio:




Its a mod that adds a working Dwemer Jukebox to the game (complete with radio station and advertisements!) and allows users to insert their own music.


My problem is this, legally what music can I upload? I know there are tons of radio mods for NV and FO3, what did they do to get the legal rights to publish those songs? Are those oldies just up for grabs? If so, can I just upload the 100 some tracks I have from the GNR Radio album, like other users have?


If this is not the best place to ask, could someone at least point to a good place where I could ask? Thanks.

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Your best bet? Don't upload any music, or import any music from the Fallout series or any other prior Bethesda game. What you _should_ do? Check around. Local bands that want their names out there, independent, unsigned bands.. Basically, any group that allows their music to be freely distributed.


For a good example: Machinae Supremacy. Most of their earlier music is available for free download from their website. You could use some of that as an included download.


BUT. Even if you use music that's able to be distributed freely, you should always contact the band and ask -just to make sure- it's okay. With the lesser known bands, you could always say that it's a way for them to get their music spread abroad via videogame. You could also ask them if they would like to voice act as a DJ. Might get some good responses.


General rule with ANYTHING involving music anymore.. Always ask permission of the band themselves.

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