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a weird issue Im having


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I posted this on the bethsoft forum but I havent found any solutions and now the game is unplayable.


My link



The only mod I havbe is the one that makes ores easier to see but I load up the game and in the loading screen, whatever picture is present, its skipping forward and back in the animation and when I load the save the game actually runs unplayably fast.


Youtube of loading screen


Youtube of the effects in game


AMD 7700 2.7 gightz dual core, 4 MB RAM, RADEON HD 4650

I got the "Skyrim improved performance mod" but I had this issue before that.

The game worked fine before 1.5 v patch, I got the game when it came out and didnt have this issue. I loaded the game up yesterday and all my old save games had this issue, reinstalled the game, they still had the issue. I deleted all my old saves and started over, the game was absolutely fine and ran fine and good till I went and loaded it up to play today and the issue reappeared

I have the latest driver however I was having this issue before I upgraded the driver.

Ive reinstalled the game and I still cant load anything without this error. So not I can only play the game if I dont save.


any help O.o

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