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Zombie Virus


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Zombie Virus!



- a virus (disease) which will turn people into zombies

- zombies carry the virus (much like vampires carry the vampire disease)

- zombies can infect people with the virus during combat if they hit the PC/NPC (this could be a certain type of attack, or any hand to hand attack)

- only way to kill a zombie is to decapitate (optional - not sure how difficult this makes killing them in the game - might need to experiment)

- zombies do not attack other zombies


- possibly two flavors of the mod... slow moving zombies and fast moving zombies.



So already hinted at, the mod could take advantage of the same system the vampire disease uses to spread, etc. I'm not sure how turning people into zombies might work, could probably look at how the morph spells work in some of the popular magic spells mods


...What does everyone else think?



I'd love to do this myself, but haven't had the time. In fact if no one picks this up and runs with it, I probably will when I do find the time...

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