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Using both roberts and breezes at the same time?


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So on my Current fallout playthrough I decided to add a bit of chaos to the wasteland and install a few zombie mods along with IWS, Populated Wasteland, Populated Casinos. and a few other mods meant to maximize the amount of things that can shoot at and eat you in the wasteland.


Now i've gotten all of them to work together rather nicely But After an hour or so of wandering around the wasteland I got rather discouraged by the amount of people who wear the same exact outfits right next to each other. So when I found this mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=44476 It was like a godsend. Even has a zombie land style outfit no less.


Only problem i've had with it is It requires Robert's male bodies. And i'm using Breezes. It's a matter of personal taste, I think there's more variety in breezes and the mod author is a lot more active. But Without roberts http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/6363/screenshot344.jpg this is the rough effect I get on the arms and skin of the male clothing. at worst I'll end up putting up with it but before I just throw in the towel I want to know if there's a way for me to download roberts and set it to be used on the clothing objects specific to the mod? I know how to use a merged patch but I'm a bit unsure how to go about doing it without causing some major problems. any advice?

Edited by formalrevya
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Short answer is no.

There is some nifskopery you could do and other various things but all are a lot more trouble that either a) not using mods for the wrong body or b)switching to the right body.


And Is there a way to turn that answer into a yes? Troubling long drawn out processes aren't really an issue for me if I know where to start. and by start I mean learning what NifSkope is and finding a proper step by step tutorial.

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