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Cannot install mods using NMM


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Hello, so I'm having problems installing my mods. I can download just fine but when I try to install, I am presented with:


"A problem occured during Install: BOSS_API_ERROR_FILE_WRITE_FAIL:

C:\USERS\Acer\Appdata\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt" cannot be written to! The mod was not installed."


I am running NMM as administrator.

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go to that location C:\USERS\Acer\Appdata\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt find the plugins txted file , right click on it and select properties now at the bottom make sure that read only is UN-ticked then hit apply and try NMM again Edited by compatible
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what OS do you have the app data folder is always hidden you need to enable hidden folder on your computer ..


im on vista so i would do this to enable hidden folders (appdata folder )



Open My Computer: Click the Windows icon in the lower left hand corner of Vista, scroll up to the right, and click Computer.


Display Old File Menu: With the Computer window open and active click the Alt button on your keyboard. You should see the old File menu display at the top of the Computer window.

Open Folder Options: Now click File in the new menu that has appeared, scroll down, and click on Folder Options.

Choose Options: Click the view tab and select the options you want to change. To display all files and folders as well as hidden file extensions follow these three steps.

* Under the “Hidden Files and Folders” sub menu move the radial button to “Show Hidden Files and Folders”

* Uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types”

* Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”

Save and Apply: Now click the Apply button in the bottom right corner of this window followed by clicking the Apply to Folders button near the top left to apply the new options to all folders. Note that changes will not affect currently open folders but will start working for any folders opened after it has been applied to all folders.

Test: Now close all of your currently open windows and then begin to navigate your Users directory. If no changes had previously been made you should not have been able to see the AppData directory that was in C:\Users\YourUserName\ but it should now be visible.

Edited by compatible
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Okay, that seems to have worked... when I un-hid the folder and checked the permissions, the "read-only" box was already unchecked, but I did make sure to un-hide the folder and for some reason that worked. Thanks for your help compatible!
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