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1.5 broke Ysgramor's tomb


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Actually i've had that problem all through the game.... going in buildings where there are no floors or if there are the scripting is for quests is broken....

I did have that problem with Ygramor's tomb, then exited the game and restarted the floor was there BUT the questing script or the script for tomb was broken...the ghost not going where he's suppose to gates not opening when they're suppose to be open, and because of it I quite the game and restarted...

When i restarted I couldn't at all until I got it under 37 mods and then the scripting for the opening quest was bad...

And Helgen was also having interior problems until I quite few more mods...including, and especially mods that add places anywhere near Helgen...

I had to command kill the person on the headblock ahead of me (because I was standing in front of the block) and that was about it, though it was still bad...I've not had problems yet again...so far....


However I've not had Up down movement with my mouse since the first patch and haven't been able to rename enchanted Items at all since I downloaded the game...

It's quite possible that the latest patch broke the main quest.... but no i doubt that as the blue palace had the same problem after Ygrasmor (which is why i restarted)

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