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Grass Bug / Shadow / Weird Visual Artifacts


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Help, all of the sudden I am seeing weird shadowy images moving over grass - it looks like ghostly rivers or sometimes vertical or horizontal lines. Sometimes it moves all by itself getting faster or slower, and sometimes it stands still. One time it was lines and circular blobs. Very obvious when moving but harder to see when still. Depends on time of day and direction you are facing...


Others suggested ENB is the problem or some lighting / shadow mod, but I haven't installed one... although I did recently install a whole bunch of mods, mostly retexture ones and some distant LOD, but I've tried uninstalling many of them with no success


I know other people have experienced this, any help or solution would be much appreciated!



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I've heard recently that it's not related to ENB. I haven't heard of a fix yet, though it must have something to do with the new grass shadows. Edited by Rennn
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Look at the noobs with 4 and 31 posts trying to contradict me. He clearly said that he doesn't have an ENB mod installed. It's not ENB, obviously.
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although you dont have it currently installed, did you ever have enb installed, because although it might not be the only reason, it is one possible cause. but i heard a fix is to go into your skyrim folder and delete the d3d9.dll file

hope this helps :)

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thanks a lot for the fix !!!


I had this bug since I udpated to 1.5. Removing the D3D9.dll did the trick !


And the shadowy image is one big grass texture image that is panning back and forth. (it also depends on the location)

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I think there's more than one possible cause... I had a similar problem that was definitely due to ENB, but it did not look like the screenshot posted by the OP. It was very similar in effect but the shadowy lines looked different, in different patterns. When I checked the ENB forum, people had posted screens that looked EXACTLY like mine. I got rid of ENB and it went away. The OP isn't using ENB and his screen doesn't look like mine -- so I'm thinking there are multiple causes. It's definitely a grass shadow issue, but those weird shadowy lines show up in different patterns and waves when ENB is causing it. I'd look for something else that may be messing with visuals.
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For me it was d3d9.dll 1st time I noticed it with ENB. I later uninstalled ENB and installed Skyrim Booster that is also an d3d9.dll add on. After deleting it everything is back to normal. So ye its definitely d3d9.dll that is causing the trouble for us. Any other fix besides deleting d3d9?
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